Westminster Polar Bear Plungers Exceed Fundraising Goal

Westminster Polar Bear Plungers Exceed Fundraising Goal

Columbia, Mo. – The student-athletes representing the Westminster College fundraising drive and those participating in the 2011 Polar Bear Plunge this past Saturday, February 19, at Stephens Lake in Columbia, raised $1,731.54 for the Missouri Special Olympics. This exceeded the original goal of $1,459. The effort was coordinated by the Westminster College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC).

This is not the only activity sponsored by the Westminster SAAC. Westminster student-athletes have been involved in this project for a number of years to help raise money for Special Olympics Missouri, including Special Olympics Volleyball, Bowling and the Polar Bear Plunge. Also, the Westminster SAAC will host the local Special Olympics Basketball Team at the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Women's Basketball Tournament this Thursday, February 24. The group will be introduced at the 8:00 p.m. semifinal game between Westminster and Greenville College.

Courtesy Westminster College (Mo.) sports information