Welcome to NCAA Division III Week

Welcome to NCAA Division III Week

This week marks the annual Division III Week for all 441 NCAA Division III institutions. This year's Division III week is of special importance as it is the 40th anniversary of NCAA Division III. Division III Week serves as a an opportunity for all individuals associated with Division III to observe and celebrate the impact of athletics and of student-athletes on the campus and surrounding community.

During the week, every Division III school and conference office is encouraged to conduct a type of outreach activity that falls into one of three categories: academic accomplishment; athletic experience; or leadership/community service/campus involvement. The 2014 NCAA Division III week runs from April 7-13.

The St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference will be releasing a compilation video each day during the week of student-athletes explaining why NCAA Division III is unique. In addition SLIAC members will each be holding their own activities and events during the week. For school specific event schedules click the associated link below.

MacMurray College- EVENTS
Webster University- EVENTS
Westminster College- EVENTS

You can follow all activities associated with NCAA Division III week on Facebook HERE, Twitter at @NCAADIII or by using the hashtags #whyd3 and #d3week or on the NCAA Division III Youtube channel HERE