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Fontbonne Leading SAAC Challenge

Fontbonne Leading SAAC Challenge

Defending award winner Fontbonne University is off to a strong start this fall and is once again leading the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference SAAC Challenge. Fontbonne won its first-ever Student-Athlete Advisory Council award last year and lead all conference members after the fall 2022 season. Fontbonne totaled 5,080 points this fall; well ahead of its pace from last fall (1,540 points). The Griffins' biggest event was helping at the annual Delta Gamma Center Christmas tree lot where they helped unload and organize trees for the non-profit organization which works with visually impaired children. Both the Griffin baseball and softball programs assisted at the event. The baseball team alone accounted for over 3,300 of the school's points, also participating in the Pedal for a Cause event this fall.

Webster University compiled 1,200 points this fall. Its biggest event was the volleyball program's annual Dig Pink match. The Gorloks tennis programs also volunteered at the Blue Note 5K this fall. 

At the end of each school year, the conference recognizes the winner of the SLIAC/SAAC Challenge with an award at its SLIAC Banquet. The award is presented to the institution that went above and beyond in giving back to its community. The challenge tracks activities such as community service projects, collections (food and clothing), and donations. The full criteria are listed below:

10 pts/ service hour per student-athlete
5 pts/item donation (clothes, shoes, toys, games, equipment)
1 pt/ $1.00
1 pt/ per 2 cans

The SLIAC SAAC is a committee of student-athletes that serves as a communication link between the conference member student-athletes and the athletics administration of the SLIAC member institutions. SAAC members are expected to represent the viewpoints of student-athletes on their respective campuses and to serve as a vital communication link between the Conference and its student-athletes. 

SAAC members also look to enhance the image of student-athletes both on campus and in the community through engaging in campus and community service projects and serving as positive role models for their peers and younger athletes. The committee also serves as a voice for issues that involve rules, regulations, and policies that affect student-athletes.

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